Is the Insulation in Your Home Prepared for Winter?

Start With the Roof

  • It’s well known that the roof is where the primary amount of warmth escapes from within your home. Assess if there is a potential need for an insulation upgrade simply by looking around. Insulation is crucial in trapping the heat of your home which could potentially save you a lot of money on your energy bill.


While You’re Looking Up

  • Do you have an unfinished attic? If so, applying insulation to the baseboards and flooring can significantly prevent heat from exiting as well as help prevent cold air from getting to the rest of your home.


Two of the Biggest Culprits

  • Inspect all your windows and doors. Look for even minor cracks which can allow the outside cold in and the inside heat out. Small adjustments such as weather strips can do wonders.


Listen For the Whistle

  • If you’re curious about potential leaks in your home or notice that the heat that you feel does not match your thermostat, go into each room and listen carefully for a whistling sound. If you hear one, there is likely a crack. Even minor cracks will allow heat to exit and cold air to enter.


While some of these issues can be DIY, if you don’t have the time, contact a Team Dave Logan Member for reliable to service to ensure that your home is fully insulated for the Colorado Winter!


Roofing: Best Roofing Contractors Denver, CO and Colorado Springs, CO | Trusted Roofing Companies (

Insulation: Insulation Category | Team Dave Logan

Windows and Doors: Best Window & Door Contractors Denver, CO and Colorado Springs, CO | Trusted Door & Window Companies (