Professional Painter vs. DIY

Please note that these are meant to be humorous and not meant to be taken seriously.

Here are a few humorous reasons to hire a professional painter over your husband or the neighbor kid:

The professional has the proper tools, such as a ladder and a paint sprayer, so you won't have to hear "I'll just use the kitchen chair and a brush."

The professional is insured, so if they fall off the ladder or spill paint on the carpet, you won't be responsible for the damages.

The professional can complete the job in half the time it would take your husband, who would take several breaks to play video games and watch TV.

The professional knows how to match the right color to your walls, so you won't have to hear "I think this shade of blue will look nice."

The professional knows how to properly prepare the surfaces to be painted, so you won't have to hear "Why do we need to sand this? It looks fine to me."

The professional will actually clean up after the job, so you won't have to hear "Don't worry, I'll clean it up later."