Cracked Foundation? Act Now.

by Dave Logan


A cracked foundation is a very serious matter. It’s no mystery that your foundation holds up your entire home, so it’s absolutely one of those issues you do not want to ignore - even for a short time.

Unless you are a structural engineer or experienced professional, it’s almost impossible to discover for yourself specifically what caused the crack or compromise in your foundation. That said, the overall cause of foundation cracking typically has to do with the quality of the soil on which your home is built as well as the level of moisture in the soil.

First thing’s first: Get a structural engineer to come out to your home to assess the extent of damage and advise you on how to repair the problems.
A structural engineer will provide you with a drawn plan that identifies the problem, how to solve it, and how to prevent it from happening again. Look at the structural engineer as an expert, independent third party that will provide you with exactly the direction you need once you begin taking bids on the repairs.

Commonly, you will be looking at one of two potential solutions: mudjacking (or slabjacking) or piering. Mudjacking is the process in which cement grout is pumped under your foundation to get it back up to its original height, as the result of settling soil and subsequent slipping. Piering may be the solution for you if your foundation problems are more serious. This involves using mechanical jacks to lift the settled beam and stablize your foundation. The beam itself must be raised and carefully held in place by a footing and pier. The process is such that it will be set so that it is not affected by future variations in the soil itself.

Finally, don’t waste any time. After your structural engineer assesses the damage and proposes a solution, you need to contact the appropriate professional to come out and handle the repairs. Your structural engineer may even be able to recommend a contractor for you, and of course you can find a good one here at Team Dave Logan. Whatever the case, get it knocked out as soon as possible.