New Year's Resolutions for Your Home

A new year is here, which means new resolutions; new visions; new home improvements. If you’re looking for ways to enhance your home over the next few months, we have some tips for you.

Schedule Your Yearly Home Maintenance

Before you know it, the year can be half over! Make it a priority to sit down and plan out your home maintenance for the year. Here are some things to consider…


The holidays tend to bring more "stuff" into your home. Gifts, holiday decorations, and bulky winter gear can feel like they’re taking over your space. January is a great time to declutter and reorganize, so you don’t feel as overwhelmed. Start in one area of your home and get rid of or donate items that you no longer need. Out with the old and in with the new!

Focus on Safety

When was the last time you checked your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms? Have you ever had your home tested for radon? Does your family have an escape plan in case of a fire or emergency? These are things to consider as you enter the new year.

Change It Up

Rearranging your space can make your home look better and make you feel happier. Consider changing the layout of your family room furniture to create a setup that promotes more conversation and togetherness. Or, “shop your home” to find items that you love and move them to places where they’ll be more visible, so you can enjoy them more.